Snapshots from the All I Want For Christmas is You(Tube) party! @series_u_snap thank you for the great 📷! It was such a fun night, spent with wonderful people 🙂 The future will only be filled with even better times like these. Merry Christmas, you crazy youtubers.
Much thanks to @carpentersdaughtercafe for hosting us, to @hugh_gwon for joining to make the vision come into reality, and for @kumfa.volunteer for all the help they give to the single mothers in Korea. Keep your ears, eyes and hearts open for ways to help our country and home 💝 If you were at the party and want access to the photos, let me know!
많은 분들이 와주셔서 저희 Youtubers in Korea 커뮤니티 2018년 송년행사 + Korean Unwed Mothers Families Association (KUMFA) (한국미혼모가족협회)가 잘 마칠수있었습니다. 수입금의 일부를 오늘 @kumfa2009 기부하고왔습니다. 앞으로 이런 의미 있는 행사를 많이 하고 싶으니 관심 있으신 분들은 연락 주시면 좋겠습니다! 다시 한번 감사드립니다! ♥
📱 Instagram의 베키 BECKY 를 팔로우하십시오.
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