Fashion Influencers from Korea


One thing I learn with the job I do Is no one have everything and that is what’s beautiful! I spend hours and hours surrounded by so many beautiful women. I spended my time looking at them being like « this one have the perfect face » « this one have the perfect style » « this one have the perfect boobs ».. But from that I learn that EVERYBODY have something special ✨. But we spend so much time looking at what’s wrong about us and trying to fix it because now we’re all pressure to be perfect we forget how to look at what’s good about ourselves. The society we live in try to sell us a dream about the perfect life. The perfect woman we should all be, how we should look, dress, act,… but how boring is it to all look the same?! Diversity in all its ways is the gold of this world an we should cherish it.
I use to spend so much time on instagram feeling miserable comparing myself to « perfect » women. But that just bring me stress and sadness for no real reason… Because we only see what people want to show us on social media. People only sell a perfect life fantasy.
I start thinking about why I was so unhappy. And the real difference about a happy person and an unhappy person It’s mostly what you choose to look at. Perfection when you think about it it’s such a boring thing. And it don’t really mean anything neither. Perfection to me it’s not perfection to you. We don’t even know what it is But we chasing it without knowing what it is or if we really want it or need it. Let’s try to Stop focusing on the bad and start looking at the good, the beauty inside us, the beauty in our life. Be proud of who you are. Looking up to people is a great thing but that don’t mean you need to be exactly like them to be happy. Get the inspiration you need from the one you admire but don’t try to be someone you are not to fit somebody criteria. You really only end up loosing yourself. Surround yourself with people that truly see who you are and that love you for your good part as for your bad. Those are the ones that give you true love, That give you the strength of a life time. I’m so thankful for those people in my life and for all of you guys! I love you guys ❤️

📱 Instagram의 Tiana Tolstoi를 팔로우하십시오.

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